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From the Depths of Suffering to the Light of Hope

Mohammed Ebrahim Afaash: From the Depths of Suffering to the Light of Hope

in one of the remote areas in Bir Ahmad - Aden Governorate - Yemen, Mohammed Ebrahim Afaash lives with his family, which consists of five members. They live in a humble house made of straw and palm fronds. This simple house reflects the harsh reality of a family struggling to survive amidst difficult financial conditions. Mohammed's father works in collecting empty bottles from the waste to stay a living, while the family faces huge challenges in meeting their basic needs.

Mohammed, the youngest child in the family, was born in these harsh conditions. Since his birth, he has not been in good health. His weak body reflects the severe effects of malnutrition he has suffered as a result of his mother's malnutrition during pregnancy and afterwards, as a result of the family's difficult financial circumstances. Mohammed suffered from different illnesses constant fever, general weakness, and continuous crying, as if his frail body was crying out for help. This mentally and physically exhausted family was unable to provide adequate healthcare or sufficient food for their sick child.

Months passed, and Mohammed grew weaker, his mother felt helpless every time she looked into his eyes. Pain and sorrow overshadowed the family. Each time Mohammed fell ill, they wondered, Will this little child survive? It seemed like no way for him, and hope was fading day by day.

In a moment filled with despair, they received news about Ali Health Center supported by Altwasul for Human Development Foundation, which provides free care for children suffering from malnutrition. This was the only light in the dark tunnel that the family was living in. Without hesitation, Mohammed's mother took him to the center, where the specialized clinic for malnutrition treatment welcomed them with indescribable warmth and support.

During the next six months, Mohammed underwent an intensive treatment program. He was provided with balanced therapeutic nutrition and received regular checkups under the supervision of a specialized medical team. These checkups and medical care were a crucial part of his health recovery process. Mohammed's mother visited the center regularly, observing how her son was changing slowly but steadily. Day by day, Mohammed began to recover his strength, and a smile started to appear on his little face.

Today, Mohammed is completely different. His health has changed from severe weakness to vitality and happiness. The child who was on the brink of death is now able to play, laugh, and grow like any other normal child. His family can't believe the recovery that has taken place, and they are grateful for every moment they received support and help.

Mohammed's story is not just a tale of a child who survived malnutrition; it is a live testimony to the power of humanitarian work and the deep impact it can have on people's lives. The support provided by Altwasul for Human Development Foundation was not only to save Mohammed's life but also to restore hope to a family filled with despair. Mohammed is among thousands of children who have been treated through the malnutrition treatment program implemented by Altwasul for Human Development in six medical centers in five Yemeni Governorates.